Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Daily Life and Economy

     The daily life on Wallace Island is a happy life. Everyone gets along and everyone is equal. When you wake up in the morning all you hear is nature and silence. Nobody is in pain or sorrow. Everything is great. The economy is great as well. There are jobs for everybody and nobody is ever layed off.Everything is peaceful. If you want to have surinity come to Wallace Island.


  1. I like how you said it would be in peace and serenity but what about school and work? and how do they get their food and clothes and things they need?

  2. People shouldn't care about material things. Live life is all you need to do. Ask a kid what he wants to be when he grows up, that special one will say happy!

    1. I agree. Happiness is the key to a nice life.

  3. I agree that material things are not to be all you think there is, but we do live in a material things--therefore we need material things. You shouldn't get hung up on material things, but the fact remains that we are dependent on material things in order for survival.
